
Showing posts from September, 2024

Modeling Housing Abandonment and Demolition in a Shrinking City (Buffalo NY) from Bottom Up

In the past, we have wrote about using spatial statistics to detect clusters of housing abandonment and demolition in Buffalo, NY as a macro level for the entire city. Now, moving from the city to the household level, we ( Li Yin , Robert M. Silverman and myself) have developed an agent-based model to capture the emergence of housing abandonment patterns from bottom up.  Particularly, the model captures individual households' decision-making process with respect to housing abandonment by including factors such as the housing attributes (e.g., lot front size, building age, housing sale prices) and neighborhood characteristics (e.g., existence of abandonment properties in the neighborhood, adjacency to anchor institutions, and 311 reports). The beauty of agent-based model (of course, our model as well) lies in its ability to capture interactions between agents. Specifically, in our model, each household's decision-making on keeping their house or not can affect their neighbor...