
Showing posts from November, 2024

Large Scale Agent-based Model Simulating Information Diffusion of Covid-19 Vaccines in New York State

 In the past, we have built an agent-based model to simulate individuals' Covid-19 vaccines uptakes in a rural county - Chautauqua (New York) . Recently,  at the  7th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2024) ,  we ( Na (Richard) Jiang , Andrew Crooks , and Lucie Laurian ) have extended that model  to the entire New York State to explore the diffusion of Covid-19 opinions in a hybrid context (e.g., physical, relational and cyber spaces) and its impacts on people's attitudes which are reflected in their vaccination behaviors.  This project has significantly extended the previous work in a number  of ways.  First , we move the model from a single rural county to the  entire NYS that has 62 counties which differ substantially in socioeconomic status and move from a small population of 120,000 to  over 20 million agents . By doing so, it allows us to compare vaccination uptakes in different areas (e.g., ur...